Chinese smartphone company Shaomi will launch its Redmi K20 and Redmi K20 Pro today in China. Both of these smartphones will be launched during an event in the capital city of Beijing. The company has been teasing this smartphone for a long time. The company has introduced these new phones as "Flagship Killer 2.0". The company wants to compete with the recently launched OnePlus 7 Pro via this phone.
 redmi k20pro

This smartphone has Qualcomm and Dragon 855 processors. Apart from this, this smartphone game is equipped with Turbo 2.0 and 7th Generation Indsisplay and Sensor. The phone recently Teaming was done with a dimming suppressed display. Laptop Redmi Book (RedmiBook) with Redmi K20 can also be launched. The launch of this smartphone can be seen on the live event company's official Vivo account and the company's official account.

It may cost

In China, booking for this smartphone has been started. Byers can book this phone by giving 100 tons i.e. about 1000 rupees. The company has already confirmed that this smartphone will be launched in India. The price of this smartphone in China for 6 GB RAM + 64 GB variant is Rs 2,799, i.e. around Rs 26,200, while the 6 GB RAM + 128GB variant costs Rs 2,799, i.e. 28,200 and 8 GB RAM + 128GB variants of Rs 2,999 / i.e. approximately Rs 30,200 May be.) The company can also launch a RedmiBook laptop with a smartphone.

These can be favored

In the Redmi K20 Pro smartphone, the Qualcomm Triangle 855 processor will be given. While the Radmium K20 will have the Braden 730 processor Both smartphones can have 6.39 inch full HD AMOLED display. The pop-up Selfie Camera can be given in Redmi K20 Pro. While the nock display can be given in standard variants. A 4,000mAh battery can be given in the Radmi k20, which does the 27W Fast Charging Shop. Both smartphones will run on Android 9.0. Dual band GPS will be given on the phone for a better location.