Oppo has launched its Reno Series in India. Under this series, two smartphones have been launched. One of these is Oppo Reno 10X Zoom and the other is Oppo Reno. This phone has been launched in a variant. It comes with 8 GB RAM and 128 GB of storage, which is worth 32,990. This phone will also be made available for sale on e-commerce website Flipkart from June 7.
Features of Oppo Reno: This phone has a 6.4-inch Full HD Plus Amolade Panoramic screen. Its screen to body ratio is 93.1 percent. The corning gorilla glass 6 has been preserved on this. Its display panel is TUV Rheinland Certified. This phone comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 processor and 8 GB RAM. At the same time, 128GB of internal storage is also provided. This phone works on Android 9 Pie based on ColorOS 6. Talking about camera segments, the phone has a dual rear camera. Its primary sensor is 48 megapixels. At the same time, the other sensor is of 5 megapixels. It has Ultra Clear Dual Camera. This phone comes with Ultra Night Mode 2.0. It includes Oppo Artistic Portrait Mode. Also, the Hidden Fingerprint Unlock feature is also available. This pone has been introduced with all new gradient designs and sleek unified designs. Speaking of the front camera, there is also a 16-megapixel shark-fin raging camera.
buy Oppo reno
This phone comes with Hyper Boost 2.0. To give power to the phone, a 3765 mAh battery is provided, which supports VOOC 3.0. This phone supports Dolby Atomas and Hi-Res. The phone has a HyperBoost 2.0 feature which improves overall performance. With the System Boost (1.0) and Game Boost (1.0), the user experience gets better performance. Also, there is a new frame boost, which reduces the issue of hang issue up to 40 percent. Inside the display fingerprint unlock 2.0 in the phone is present. This 6Generation screen comes with Fingerprint Recognition technology. It adopts better lighting which captures a good image for an optical fingerprint scanner.
Features of Oppo Reno: This phone has a 6.4-inch Full HD Plus Amolade Panoramic screen. Its screen to body ratio is 93.1 percent. The corning gorilla glass 6 has been preserved on this. Its display panel is TUV Rheinland Certified. This phone comes with Qualcomm Snapdragon 710 processor and 8 GB RAM. At the same time, 128GB of internal storage is also provided. This phone works on Android 9 Pie based on ColorOS 6. Talking about camera segments, the phone has a dual rear camera. Its primary sensor is 48 megapixels. At the same time, the other sensor is of 5 megapixels. It has Ultra Clear Dual Camera. This phone comes with Ultra Night Mode 2.0. It includes Oppo Artistic Portrait Mode. Also, the Hidden Fingerprint Unlock feature is also available. This pone has been introduced with all new gradient designs and sleek unified designs. Speaking of the front camera, there is also a 16-megapixel shark-fin raging camera.
buy Oppo reno
This phone comes with Hyper Boost 2.0. To give power to the phone, a 3765 mAh battery is provided, which supports VOOC 3.0. This phone supports Dolby Atomas and Hi-Res. The phone has a HyperBoost 2.0 feature which improves overall performance. With the System Boost (1.0) and Game Boost (1.0), the user experience gets better performance. Also, there is a new frame boost, which reduces the issue of hang issue up to 40 percent. Inside the display fingerprint unlock 2.0 in the phone is present. This 6Generation screen comes with Fingerprint Recognition technology. It adopts better lighting which captures a good image for an optical fingerprint scanner.