User  of the whatsapp in Indian more then 20 million . It does not even have to be an individual but used  for the official work. Now we give  the most important information with the whatsapp trick , in this trick you can sand the massage to the his/her numbers, if that number is not save in your mobile or Pc, so this trick for the with out number. When the before this trick you sand the massage with your relative number save in your mobile /phonebook. But by this trick you can sand the massage with your relative without save her/his number. In this trick you can remember his/her mobile number after you sand the massage that person.

So That Follow trick-

Open the click to chat:-

Whatsapp update feature in before some time .That feature is click ti chat ,in this feature you are sand the massage to any person ,without save that person mobile number save.

What is Necessity-
You will sand massage at any mobile number , so you must  remember that mobile number.

Follow the Step by Step

Step 1:-  Open the browser his/her on our PC/smartphone and then type in search bar search the then press the ENTER.

Step2:- After then website open of the whatsapp then you Scan the QR code of the whatsapp, then you connect to the our whatsapp.

Step 3:-  Now the you open the new tab on his /her browser then you type the

Step 4:-   End the URL link then here enter the +91(with code) mobile number that person you sand the massage.
Example Like :- ?phone=+91 8200000000

Step 5:- After this process  you see the Green button on our screen Sand and you click here andyou may type the our massage and sand  with  our relative.

Thank you