Tata Motors has launched its popular car Tiga's NRG variant in India, which has been priced at Rs 5.5 lakh for the first ex-showroom price in Delhi, which goes upto Rs 6.32 lakh for the top model of the car. The company has designed this cross hatchback to run in urban areas and its price makes it more popular in India. Many cosmic changes have been made in the new Tata Tiago NRG, which is also known as the Urban Transporter. In India, Tata's car will be competing directly with Maruti Suzuki Celerio. Tata Tiga NRG variant is larger in size than the standard model and the company has given its ground clearance to 180mm.

Auto Expo was showcased at the Tata Motors stall in 2018, with the Black Rear spoiler, Tail Lump with small changes, NRG logo on Hachadoro, sporty rear bumpers, rear diffuser and dual chrome-tip exhaust. The technical changes in the car have been replaced with suspended suspensions which are of lower spring. On the basis of Standard Tiago, in the next wheels, the disc brakes and drum brakes have been installed in the previous wheels.

Tata Tiago NRG has given both petrol and diesel engines. The car has a 1.2-liter three-cylinder reattron engine which generates 84 bhp power and 114 Nm peak torque, while the car's diesel engine has a 1.05-liter three-cylinder which is 140 nm peak with 69 bhp power Has the ability to generate torque. The company has equipped both car engines with a 5-speed manual gearbox.

This car will be a sporty, more powerful hatchback model of the standard version of the Tata Tiga. Tata has developed this car in collaboration with Coimbatore's company, Janam Automotive. We first saw Tata Tiago NRG at the auto expo at Tata's stall in 2018, along with Tata Tiger NRG, which was also being developed. Tata Tiago looks almost identical with the standard model, but many large cosmic changes made in the car give it a reprint look.

The car has a sporty print bumper and round fog lamps have been installed with the large central airdame with black finish. The black finish has been provided on the car's headlamps, so that the car can get a more sporty look. In the reproduction unit, the red NRG logo was mounted on the car grille which was not shown in the test model, while the auto expo featured steel wheels, which replaced 14 "sporty alloy wheels.