In the for the mechanical syllabus is same in the 1st  year .

1st year syllabus :-

  1. Communication English
  2. Engineering Physics
  3. Engineering Chemistry/ Environmental  Chemistry
  4. Engineering Mathematics
  5. C language 
  6. Basic Electrical &Electronics Engineering / Engineering Mechanics
 This subject in the first year in the  both  semester 1/2
After the 1st year then the main subject is start in the third semester so this subject is depend upon the according to the university. So I give the our experience or according  to my university.
3rd semester Syllabus:-

  1. Mechanics of Solid
  2. Material Science and Engineering 
  3. Engineering Thermodynamics
  4. Manufacturing Processes
  5. Object Oriented Programming in C++
  6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics 
4th semester Syllabus:-
  1. Kinematics of Machine
  2. Fluid Mechanics and Machine
  3. Machining and Machine Tools
  4. Design of Machine Element -1
  5. Industrial Engineering 
  6. I.C. Engine 
5th semester syllabus:-

  1. Heat Transfer
  2. Dynamics of Machine
  3. Measurement & Metrology
  4. Quality Assurance and  Reliability
  5. Sociology and Element of Economics for Engineering
  6. Computer Aided Design and Graphics(Elective)
  7. Automobile Engineering (Elective)
  8. Statistics for Decision Making (Elective)
6th semester syllabus:-
  1. Design of Machine Element -2
  2. Newer Machining Methods
  3. Mechatronics
  4. Vibration Engineering 
  5. Steam Engineering 
  6. Maintenance Management (Elective)
  7. Design and Manufacturing of Plastic Products (Elective)

7th semester syllabus:-
  1. Finite Element Method
  2. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
  3. Turbo Machine 
  4. Operation Research
  5. Operation   Management
  6. CNC Machine and Programming (Elective)
  7. Micro and nano Manufacturing  (Elective)
  8. Robotics (Elective)
8th semester syllabus:-
  1. Laws of Engineering 
  2. Power Generation 
  3. Total Quality Management
  4. Computer  Integrated Manufacturing System