Infinix has launched its new Android Phone Infinix Smart 3 Plus today in India. This smartphone has many features like 6.21-inch screen, triple rear camera, and fingerprint sensor. In India, Infinix Smart3 Plus has been priced at Rs 6,999. And this smartphone will start its sale on Flipkart from April 30. In this phone, this cheap smartphone launched with many features will be available in Midnight Black and Sapphire Siam Color.
In Dual SIM Infinx smart 3 plus, a 6.21 inch HD + display is given, with a resolution of 720x1520 pixel and aspect ratio 19.5: 9. There is a screen-to-body ratio of 88%, and 2.5, which comes with Waterdrop Notch. This phone has a 2Ghz Helio A22 quad-core processor with IMG PowerVR GPU and 2GB RAM. This smartphone has 32GB of internal storage, which can be increased to 256GB via micro SD card. This phone has a triple real camera setup in Infinix Smart 3 Plus. The phone has a low-light sensor with a 13-megapixel sensor, 2-megapixel sensor and F / 1.8. These cameras are equipped with many features like Dual LED flash auto pin detection, AR stickers. For Selfie, the phone has an 8-megapixel front camera with AI Beauty mode and screen flash.
This phone running on XOS 5.0 based on Android 9 pie also has a fingerprint
sensor. To power this phone, there is a battery of 3,500 MaH. Bluetooth, 3.5mm audio jack, FM radio, Micro-USB port options are given for connectivity.