What is Thermodynamics?
Thermodynamics is the science of energy transfer and its effect on the physical properties of substance. It is based upon the observation of common experience which have been formulate into thermodynamics. These laws govern the principle are found in all fields of energy technology, notably in steam , Nuclear power plants, internal combustion engine, gas turbine, gas dynamics, air conditioning, refrigeration, compressors, chemical processes plants, etc.
Thermodynamics System
Thermodynamics system is classified in Three way
- Closed System
- Open System
- Isolated System
2.Open System- Open system is one which matter crosses the boundary if the system. There may be energy transfer also. Most of the engineering devices are generally open system.
e.g, An air compressor in which air enters at low pressure and leaves at high pressure and there are energy transfer across the system boundary.
3.Isolated System- It is a system of fixed mass and no heat or work energy cross its boundary. Also we can say that it doesn't have transfer of either mass or energy with the surroundings.
Thermodynamics Properties the distinguished characteristics of a system by which its physical condition may be described are called properties of the system. briefly we can conclude that they describe the state of a system.
The thermodynamics properties are two types of properties
- Intensive Property:- properties which are independent of mass such as pressure and temperature are called intensive property. e.g. Density, velocity, pressure, temperature, etc.
2.Extensive Property:- properties , which are dependent upon mass, such as volume and energy, in its various forms are called extensive properties.