HDR Camera Mod is the camera setting of all Android smartphones that you have seen in the camera settings of your smartphone. You have ever wondered why HDR modes are there and what is the benefit of getting the photo taken from mobile to HDR mode.How to use HDR? We are going to give you all the information about HDR camera mode. ER is the full form of high dynamic range.

What's HDR Camera Mode-
HDR's Full Form Hi Dynamic Range This smartphone has a technology that allows you to have a capture nice photo even in high lights and low light.In HDR camera mode, an image is created except for the different images of all the ranges in which an image is exposed to an image high exposure in the image exposure and the third image is in Normal Exposure.This photo is taken together by adding a photo. This photo is called HDR image.

How to work HDR Camera Mode- 

HDR camera mode also highlights a good photo in Satlah Lite. If you are taking a photo then on one hand it was dark and the other way out is highlighting when and when you use the HDR mod camera mode, It will be seen from HDR technology to balance with low light and high light and your photo will pull well.