Internet Baba:-
what are you know st. isidor's name has been born in 560 year. It has been st. of the internet, it was such that they had created a book by collecting all information from all over the world, whose name was Encyclopedia. The whole world that all information is the same as it is today on the internet. That's why they think of the Internet.
Whenever you open a website page, you get an error page 404 which means that there is no such web page or that such a page is not on that website. So the people believe that the birth of Sen was born on 4th April, the error code 404 is due to this. While some people also believe that the English scientist Tim Berners-Lee World Wide Web in 1989, his database was kept in the room number 404. For this reason the name of the error page is 404. But there is no proof now why the 404 error page comes.
Do you know how many electrons flow in a 50 kb file?
When a 50 kb something email / chat massage sands, then 50kb times a file contains 8 billion electron flows.