Space x:
Space x Announced that,  America's private space company SpaceX has announces to send its first passenger on the moon . Yosaka mizava is first passenger and with the Yosak 6-8 passengers are going on the moon.

Yosaka mizava is a millionaire of Japan . Space X will be in  launch 2023, in this mission Yosaka With 6-8 artist.

In which deal Yosaka was discuss on last Monday with the SpaceX company CEO Elon musk, in this deal to the Yosako with 6-8 artists will goin to the moon.
This launch will be the first launch of the SpaceX company to go to the moon.

 This launch will be first time after 1972 Apollo mission, Yosako ready for the return to the earth.
Earlier in 1972, the Apollo mission was successful in returning to Earth.

Yosako is the first man whose that the Japanese person .